To assure WFI quality & increase the life of equipment Inner Contact Surfaces are electro polished.
Double Tube Sheets is constructed in the first column where boiler steam is present.
Sanitary Tricolor fittings are used for quick & easy preventive maintenance.
All pipes & Tubes are seamless & gaskets made from PTFE material.
PLC based system for automated operation with all required inter locks & validated logic with skid mounted AISI SS 304 control panel with printing facility.
Fully Automatic Plant supplied with boiler steam, cooling water flow rate & feed water flow rate.
All pipes & tubes are as per ASME & BPE stamping with less than 0.5 Ra.
Double tube sheet for all pre heaters & both top coolers.
Magnetic Float Switch is provided for Surge Tank to control Water i.e., High level & Low level.
Air Eliminator is provided for removing toxic gases.